"Hortz Fur Dehn Stekehn West" is the first song, and at close to 10 minutes, it starts it in epic fashion. There is lots of Kobain chanting over a repeating and sinister piano riff, until brass comes in and it assumes the overall character of a march. There's some interesting changes of time signature going on here. "Ima Suri Dondai" then takes this to a slightly overdramatic level, using Vander's falsetto and a whole lot of bass guitar. This is followed by "Kobaia Is de Hundin", which segues in and segues out with more of the chanting chorus, although this time featuring drums and sax prominently. It calms down then end for a switch in sides of the record.
"Da Zeuhl Wortz Mekanik" starts out with a tribal chant over typical Native American drums. It quickly goes into the high falsetto/female vocals. However, here the volume is quieter and the whole affair is much more subtle. Then comes "Nebehr Gudahtt", which really is just more of the same."Mekanik Kommandoh" and "Kreuhn Kohrmahn Iss de Hundin" follow suit. I think the story here is about the war between Earth and Kobaia. Kobaia threatens use of its master weapon, the Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh.
Overall, I find myself not finding much to applaud on the album. It's got all sorts of jazzy, progressive stuff going on, but despite having separate songs each does little do develop individual ideas and sounds. The whole thing is very repetitive, as nonsensical Kobain Chants get quite tiring after a while. For all those reasons, it's a must have for the space rock fans.
Magma tried nobly with Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh, but in the end the chants start to sound comic. Grade: D+